Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions to ring in the new year of 2011

Hello again readers and already now, some followers :) Thank you for your support!

Tonight is the eve of the coming new year and it is the first one in my life that I am spending at home alone. It is not really what one would want to do or hope for, yet it is just where I find myself this time around, circumstances as they are. My efforts to find somewhere or someone I would like to spend this night with did not pan out. On top of that, I have an ever so familiar migraine headache fast approaching. So here I am...left with two either mop about in self pity or to embrace this time and think upon my blessings and hopes for the future. Given that...I choose option b.

It is actually not very hard to do given all of the amazing people and things in my life God has blessed me with. The first thing that comes to my mind are some of you...that closest friends and family who I know love me and enrich my life in so many ways. Even if I live miles apart from those I am closest too, the good memories and love are always in this heart and mind of mine. Access to communication is only a phone call, text or email away and for that I am thankful. On top of that, I have a nice little apartment I have been able to call home for the past few years with the help of various roommates to share the cost of rent. I am thankful for this roof over my head and for how at home I feel when I am here. Thanks to my mom who was generous to me in the time of the loss of her home last year, I have been gifted with super nice furniture that is not only beautiful but reminds me of my family and "the house that built me," as Miranda Lambert's amazingly fitting song puts it.

I have a steady job where I not only get to work with some wonderful people and have enough to be completely financially independent, but where I also get to be a part of helping the disabled and their families worldwide, as a service and ministry to my Lord and Savior. For that I am thankful. I have a car that runs, clothes to wear, a warm soft bed to sleep in, my macbook pro laptop back up and running, and I am in relatively good health. Recently I got to sing Christmas carols with an amazing group of about 7 people with all four parts of harmony in a variety of places. Not only was it a blast to do but every person in the group was a joy to fellowship with and I made some great new friends through it. On top of that I got to sing at Knotts Berry Farm for a live televised Christmas special that aired on Christmas Eve and Christmas day...for all those things I am so very grateful!

You's not that hard at all and I could go on and on. I am thankful to be alive...after having an emergency appendectomy on March 27th, I was and am reminded how fragile life really is. Not that I didn't know that before, as I have been through many things that constantly remind me of that very fact....and yet it is one thing when you see another go through a life or death situation and quite another when you are looking at it for yourself. So you see, I have so MUCH I am THANKFUL for! GOD IS SO GOOD and FAITHFUL to those who love him and are called according to His purpose! Amen.

Ok now that I got that out of my system...on to my Resolutions for 2011:

1. Start my own blog and update it on a regular basis (Got a good head start on this one!)

2. Learn video editing on Final Cut program and develop as much skill as I can in order to possibly use this as a means of income in the future (Lord willing).

3. Cut down my daily commute by whatever means possible. (This could mean big changes either way you look at it).

4. Find and land a job where I can not only be good at what I do, but enjoy it to a deeper degree.

5. Start going back to the gym on a regular basis and get myself back in good physical healthy shape, to the point where I can possibly even run a long distance or go on a big hike and not feel like I am going to pass out. ha.

6. Draw even closer in my walk with the Lord and shine His light more each day to others.

7. Don't complain about things. Instead take it all to God first and only complain when necessary in venting as agreed upon to a trusted friend, as needed to let things out.

8. As long as I am still in L.A. and have the means, audition for stage or screen productions again.

9. Keep my eyes fixed on Jesus more than on what others might think of me or instead of playing the comparison game.

10. Build confidence in myself through Christ who strengthens me.

11. Trust in the Lord more and worry and stress less.

Ok, there you have it. Eleven resolutions for the year 2011. I know some of these are very generalized and will be ongoing. I look forward to this new year for I know that as long as I have breath, God is not finished with me yet!

Blessings and love to you all for a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

Hello dear readers!

I have wanted to start my own blog for a very long time, so here I am fast approaching the start of a new year and ready to move forward with accomplishing fresh goals and dreams :) Welcome and thank you for dropping in. I hope this is not only a way for me to express myself and get my thoughts and feelings out but is also something that you (my reader) can enjoy reading, relating to and sharing in my hearts song.

My first dilemma in starting this thing was coming up with and settling on a name I liked. As I thought about it...I began to reminisce about well, myself. Ever since I was a child I felt very strongly on just about everything and with that came a sense of loving others fully and completely. My mom used to always tell me she loved me with her whole heart. I remember one night as she tucked me into bed, I asked her something to the effect of "Mommy, what if I love you with my whole heart and love Jesus with my whole heart and love others with my whole heart...can I have more than one heart?" I didn't want to say back that I loved her with my whole heart when I felt that I loved God and others in my life just as much. From that train of thought, I figured that I must have more than one heart because of the love I felt I had within me.

So...years and years later...though I understand I can not literally have more than one heart, I still feel that the Lord has gifted me with (figuratively speaking) many hearts with which to love others fully. Albeit that with this gift has come much heartbreak and pain along the way and my once full hearts, are now and often more like broken pieces, that often get trampled upon along the way. Yet my ability to love fully and completely remains by God's grace (for it is really not my love to give in the first place). I can only love because He first loved me.

Along with this gift of love is a passion and joy for the arts, especially that of song. Music has always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Maybe it's because it runs in the blood (both grandparents on both sides of my family were musically inclined), or because my mom sang to me since I was born....all I know is that music is the one thing that speaks to me more than anything or anyone else can. I realize that I am not the best singer in the world or even the next American Idol, by any means, but I can carry a tune at the least.

And there you have blog found it's name and I can now share my hearts song with the world (or at least the worldwide web space we call the internet)! I am excited to start this new journey and see where it leads and where my still open ended future may take me. I have so many hopes, desires, dreams and goals (resolutions for 2011 coming up soon) set before me and I anticipate looking back through my tracks one day and marveling at what God has done. Let's taste and see what the Lord has and will do, shall we? I'm all in this blog with nothing to lose and this hearts song is ready to sing :)